מכון ד״ר פלואנסי
הבוגרים שלנו מדברים
לפני שנספר לכם איך זה קורה, – ניתן לבוגרים שלנו לדבר
או נכון יותר – מה זאת בעיית שטף הדיבור?
(Stammer) וחזרה על הברות ומילים (הגמגום), דיבור מהיר וחטוף (clutter) החלפת מילים וכדומה. מכיוון שהתקשורת הבין-אישית הינה חלק מהותי ויסודי מחייו וחוויותיו של האדם, הרי שלפגיעה ביכולת זו יש פוטנציאל לגרום לקשיים חברתיים ופסיכולוגיים וללחצים ומתחים קשים אצל האדם המגמגם.
מה זה - עיצוב שטף הדיבור?
שיטת הטיפול בגמגום של מכון ד''ר פלואנסי מבוססת על הגישה הטיפולית הידועה ובעלת השם של פרופסור רונלד וובסטר מווירג'יניה, ארה''ב, וד''ר רוברט קרול מטורונטו, קנדה - אשר הביא את השיטה לארץ ומלווה את המכון לאורך השנים.
מי זה ד"ר פלואנסי?
Treating Stuttering- How and When?
The phenomenon of stuttering is a widespread phenomenon found everywhere and in every culture. There are different theories for the origin of the problem, as well as different treatment techniques and methods for stuttering. "Developmental" stuttering, which appears at the age of 2-3, should go away in 80% of cases without intervention. When stuttering becomes a chronic speech disorder in an adult, there are various methods that try to treat the disorder. These methods, however, either produce partial results or results that do not last. There is only one method that has proven for the past 10 years to produce results that are 100% successful in dealing with stuttering. This method is called Dr. Fluency, which is based on the Precision Fluency Shaping method. Dr. Fluency enables a person who stutters to learn to speak again while learning to control the speech system. These two pieces together allow a PWS to overcome his/her stutter.
Stuttering Treatment - Everything Starts with Technique!
For many years, stuttering disorder appeared in the American psychiatric catalog as a psychological disorder. Only in its latest version, DSM-5, was the definition of developmental fluency disorder changed to childhood-onset disorder. This theory led the approach of treatments that were used, and are still used today in treating PWS.
The starting point in the treatment was psychological. The person who stutters probably experiences a sense of being different, feeling inferior, lacks self-confidence, is unable to communicate, and has anxiety. These feelings prevented a PWS from going to social gatherings, job interviews, dates, etc. The psychologists or psychiatrists who treated people who stutter considered the consequences of stuttering on the patient's psyche and treated those symptoms. The goal was to remove the shame and anxiety from the patient, and cause higher motivation in dealing with the disorder.
What Happens to the Person who Stutters?
Since stuttering is accompanied by difficult internal feelings, the stress itself creates difficulty speaking fluently (not just for stutterers). When a person who stutters begins to speak, he experiences negative feelings subconsciously of all his speech failures in the past. These feelings overwhelm him/her with a sense of frustration, loss of control, fear, anxiety, pressure, and feelings of inferiority. This seems like an unhelpful conclusion that leads to continued stuttering, which adds another failure to the book. All these failures enter a PWS’s collective memory, which will flood him/her in the next attempt. Treatment of stuttering, using Dr. Fluency's method, is the most professional method for treating stuttering. It is a scientifically proven method that has helped thousands of patients around the world restore control, resulting in clear flowing speech for people who stutter.
How Do You Overcome Stuttering?
To overcome stuttering, one must go through a rehabilitation process of learning how to control the speech system- in essence, starting anew- and not let dysfluency dictate how speech is produced, what is said, and overall quality of life.
You can hear more about the subject in the fascinating lecture we give as part of our compatibility test.