מכון ד״ר פלואנסי
הבוגרים שלנו מדברים
לפני שנספר לכם איך זה קורה, – ניתן לבוגרים שלנו לדבר
או נכון יותר – מה זאת בעיית שטף הדיבור?
(Stammer) וחזרה על הברות ומילים (הגמגום), דיבור מהיר וחטוף (clutter) החלפת מילים וכדומה. מכיוון שהתקשורת הבין-אישית הינה חלק מהותי ויסודי מחייו וחוויותיו של האדם, הרי שלפגיעה ביכולת זו יש פוטנציאל לגרום לקשיים חברתיים ופסיכולוגיים וללחצים ומתחים קשים אצל האדם המגמגם.
מה זה - עיצוב שטף הדיבור?
שיטת הטיפול בגמגום של מכון ד''ר פלואנסי מבוססת על הגישה הטיפולית הידועה ובעלת השם של פרופסור רונלד וובסטר מווירג'יניה, ארה''ב, וד''ר רוברט קרול מטורונטו, קנדה - אשר הביא את השיטה לארץ ומלווה את המכון לאורך השנים.
מי זה ד"ר פלואנסי?
Stuttering in adults
In the process of language acquisition in children between the ages of one and a half to five, speech disorders can be identified, but these should pass by the time the baby teeth change. When the child continues to stutter after this age, it is probably a chronic stuttering that requires professional treatment by someone authorized for this.
For many years, studies were conducted on stuttering in adults, including people who suffer from stuttering. In neurological brain scans of adults who stutter and those who do not, which were conducted as part of the research, a number of variables were discovered that are specific to people who stutter:
• When stuttering, there is increased activity in the right lobe of the brain compared to the left lobe, which accelerates its activity when emotion is added to stuttering.
• In adults who do not stutter when speaking, there is hyperactivity in the left lobe.
• It was thought that the increased use when speaking in right lobe stutterers may be due to defects in the speech area of the left lobe.
• Another possibility that came up is that the overactivity in the right lobe stems from the stutterer's active emotions and not necessarily from the stuttering.
• Adult stutterers cannot feel the muscles that activate speech during speech effort and therefore have no ability to compare if they are activating them correctly.
• A study was done that focused on the anatomical area in the brain responsible for hearing. From the conclusions it emerged that in stutterers this area is larger in the right lobe than in the left (as in most people).
• In adults who stutter, overactivity of the area responsible for controlling the motor activity of speech was discovered, i.e. (vocal cords, breathing, tongue, lips, jaw).
• In various imaging studies conducted on adults who suffer from stuttering, it was found that reduced blood flow to various areas of the brain was demonstrated, and there is a possibility that it also contributes to stuttering.
• It was found that in people who do not stutter when asked to perform a certain action, their tension increased and a 4% speech disorder was created.
• Under stress in stutterers, 9 times more speech disorders were found.
• has a circular pattern of stuttering. Disruption in the first syllable of the first word, speaking in sequence, the speech is interrupted by another stutter and repeats, God forbid.
The emotional aspect of Dr. Fluency's speech design method!
It is known that overcoming problems often requires from the people who experience a certain difficulty, the ability to put the difficulties behind them and open a new page, especially when treating a stuttering problem in adults.
This is especially true when it comes to a speech disorder. When the person suffering from a stuttering problem knows and understands that he has difficulty speaking, this fact in itself puts pressure on him and creates tension in him, every time he opens his mouth. This is a normal phenomenon and not only in speech, a person who suffers from any limitation and is aware of it, will sometimes find it difficult to overcome it just because of the knowledge that it exists. When it comes to speech fluency, the ability to overcome the "trauma" that was created is, in our opinion at the Dr. Fluency Institute, the first condition for the stutterer to overcome the stutter.
Along with Dr. Fluency's tablet, which was developed for the practice of the person who stutters, there is a series of pronunciation, breathing and relaxation classes that give the person the opportunity to learn to speak again and especially differently. When speech is learned differently, you can put aside the difficult experiences and speech traumas and really start speaking again without stuttering With a scientifically proven stuttering treatment method, emphasizing the emotional aspects arising from the difficulty in speaking and dealing with them, we will learn to overcome the stuttering.
With Dr. Fluency's unique treatment method, we not only learn to speak again and how to speak fluently, but also how to deal with the difficulty and fear of speaking and get used to speaking in any everyday situation without fear and fluently!!!.
So how do you overcome stuttering?
In order to overcome stuttering, we must go through a rehabilitation process for the speech system which will teach us again how to control the system and how not to let stuttering dictate the way we produce speech, what I say and our life in general.
You can hear more about the subject in the fascinating lecture we give as part of the compatibility test.