מכון ד״ר פלואנסי
הבוגרים שלנו מדברים
לפני שנספר לכם איך זה קורה, – ניתן לבוגרים שלנו לדבר
או נכון יותר – מה זאת בעיית שטף הדיבור?
(Stammer) וחזרה על הברות ומילים (הגמגום), דיבור מהיר וחטוף (clutter) החלפת מילים וכדומה. מכיוון שהתקשורת הבין-אישית הינה חלק מהותי ויסודי מחייו וחוויותיו של האדם, הרי שלפגיעה ביכולת זו יש פוטנציאל לגרום לקשיים חברתיים ופסיכולוגיים וללחצים ומתחים קשים אצל האדם המגמגם.
מה זה - עיצוב שטף הדיבור?
שיטת הטיפול בגמגום של מכון ד''ר פלואנסי מבוססת על הגישה הטיפולית הידועה ובעלת השם של פרופסור רונלד וובסטר מווירג'יניה, ארה''ב, וד''ר רוברט קרול מטורונטו, קנדה - אשר הביא את השיטה לארץ ומלווה את המכון לאורך השנים.
מי זה ד"ר פלואנסי?
How to solve stuttering problems in children?
If we are talking about children who have been diagnosed as suffering from any speech disorder: rapid speech, stuttering, etc., starting at the age of 7, the best method to treat them is to make them forget everything they know about speech and this is Dr. Fluency's successful method. A scientifically proven stuttering treatment method. At ages 3-5, the Lidcombe method is the most effective and you can consult with a qualified clinician who has undergone special training in the method.
Since it is about speech and communication, it is known that in the case of stuttering in children, many children who suffer from stuttering or from another speech disorder and are aware of it, avoid speaking, inventing all kinds of techniques to "escape" the failure to speak, from skipping words to swallowing words and more.
All these "snappers" are engraved not only in the lack of fluency of speech of those who suffer from that stuttering but also in their emotional memory. When a child has insecurity about his speech and a feeling of failure, he will never be able to speak unless he manages to erase the feeling of failure and the bitter memory that accompanies his attempts to speak.
This is exactly what Dr. Fluency's method does. This is a method that works together with a special tablet with the help of which the patient learns to breathe again, pronounce letters and speak as if he were a child who had just acquired his first words. The new speech that comes from a place free from failure, is the one that succeeds in helping children overcome stuttering and be able to speak without pressure, breathe in the middle and discover that it is possible to start and finish a sentence...
Stuttering in children - now there is a solution!
Stuttering in children
Stuttering in children appears in about 20% of children aged 2-4 who suffer from a lack of fluency in speech. The vigilance of the caregivers may prevent the problem from becoming a chronic problem.
Stuttering in children is often a lack of fluency in speech in children, in many cases related to the control and acquisition of the language and for that reason in 80% of these children, the problem will pass within a period of six months, while 20% of them will continue to suffer from a problem in speech fluency that will turn out to be a chronic problem.
For this reason, it is recommended that in any case where there is a speech disorder or stuttering in children, a consultation with a speech therapist should be sought to understand the nature of the disorder, its origin, and whether it may go away.
It is very difficult to predict if the stuttering will become a chronic problem, but it should be noted that the sooner the problem is treated, the more it will be possible to understand what you are dealing with exactly as the problem should be treated.

Stuttering in a relaxed environment for a child who stutters!
One of the things that causes a child to be embarrassed by his stuttering or to feel embarrassed and ashamed, is the behavior of the environment. Some children are aware of their stuttering and some are not. Those who are aware suffer from this, make an effort to speak and overcome the problem and enter into a whirlwind of convulsions, body or facial movements and pressure to get the words out and finish a sentence. It is very important not to make the stuttering a problem in front of the child, not to let him feel embarrassed or a failure, not to pressure him to speak correctly, not to teach him to speak correctly (because if he knew how to speak correctly he would do so) and to approach a professional therapeutic agent qualified to treat stuttering and above all Stuttering in children.
What are the causes of stuttering in children?
The stuttering issue is still not resolved. Professionals in the field do not know what causes stuttering. Some researchers believe that it is a collection of genetic, environmental, and also neurophysiological causes. It is known that 60% of children who stutter have other people in the family who suffer from stuttering. One thing is clear, this is not a psychological or mental problem as the therapists believed for many years and as stuttering was defined in the disease book. Since people who suffer from stuttering develop emotional problems due to the stuttering, they tended to attribute emotional and psychological disorders to stuttering, but the opposite is true. Stuttering in children creates emotional problems and they are not the ones who created the stuttering..

So how do you overcome stuttering?
In order to overcome stuttering, we must go through a rehabilitation process for the speech system which will teach us again how to control the system and how not to let stuttering dictate the way we produce speech, what I say and our life in general.
You can hear more about the subject in the fascinating lecture we st